Stay Cool During a Summer Washington DC

Summer Moving Tips

Summer is unofficially here! Summertime is one of the most popular times to move, with kids out of school and the weather pretty predictably nice, it is a common time. Here are some summer moving tips for staying cool, calm and collected during a summertime Washington DC.

First off, plan ahead. As summer is a busy time for moving, dates can quickly fill up. Contact Washington DC Movers asap to get a moving date on the calendar.

If possible, choose days that are less busy. The middle of the month tends to be quieter, and of course weekdays are less common. Moving in the early morning is also good. It helps getting a good start before the head of the day hits.

Second, prepare for the heat. A summer day can be warm. Dress comfortably in light and comfortable clothing. Wear sunscreen and closed toed shoes that won’t rub. Have plenty of water on hand for your moving team and make sure you stay hydrated.

If you have items that won’t do well in the heat- electronics, candles, etc. make sure to avoid having them sit in the truck for a long period of time.

Lastly, consider comfort of your new home. Moving when it’s unbearably hot and stuffy in your new place isn’t fun. Go ahead of time and turn on the a/c or get some fans running for circulation. This is also key for your first night in your new home, you want to be cool and comfortable.

We hope these tips will keep you cool during your summer Washington DC. If you haven’t booked your professional moving team yet, contact us for a